Check Court Records in Pakistan

Check Court Records in Pakistan:

You can check court records in Pakistan if you have the below information.

  • Case number
  • Name of the judge
  • Date of hearing

If you don’t have the above information, then you have to manually search the court. In the small cities of Pakistan, it is easier to find cases as compared to the big cities. In big cities, there are many judges. If you need a background check on court records in Pakistan, you hire our private detective in Pakistan. If you want to check the record or if you need court case details, you may contact us. We can look up court cases on your behalf. To check court cases by name or by ID card number, we have to manually go to each court and check the records of that court.

Background Check on Court Records in Pakistan:

A background check on court records in Pakistan is now possible through our private detective agency in Pakistan. We are experts in background checks. When a case is submitted to the court, it is assigned a case number. Through this case number, you can track a court file. Tracking a file means you will know in whose court the case is and when the next date of hearing is. If you don’t have a tracking number, then we can check court records in Pakistan for you. We can also check court records by ID card number and name.

Court Case Details:

 The court case details are different from the court records. The records show you in whose court the case is and what the next date is, whereas the court case details mean copies of the case. If you need copies of the court case, you may hire the services of our private investigator in Pakistan. From these court case copies, you will learn about the real issue and the role of individuals.

Look Up Court Cases:

 Our agency works all over Pakistan and can look up court cases for you in all over the court. If you want to search the records or need the complete file of a court case, you may contact our private detective in Lahore and in other cities in Pakistan.


 If you only have the name of the person and you want to see if he has filed any case or not, you may contact us. When you only have a name, let us tell you that there are many people with the same name. It is possible that we will get multiple records with the same name. If you know the name of the person who filed the case along with the name of the person against whom the case is filed, then it is easy.


 We can check court records by ID card and name. Feel free to contact us. If you have an ID card copy or even an ID card number, you can share with us the details, and we can get you the record quickly.

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